Q & M Wisdom Tooth | Wisdom tooth symptoms | How to remove wisdom tooth | Before wisdom tooth surgery

Why Do I Need to Remove My Wisdom Tooth?

Wisdom tooth symptoms

Why Do I Need to Remove My Wisdom Tooth?

Wisdom teeth can lead to problems if there is no space for them to surface or erupt in the wrong position.

Your wisdom teeth may also be impacted, which means they are trapped in your jaw or under your gums. They are difficult to clean, act as food trap and will lead to the following problems:
  • The gums overlying impacted wisdom teeth get infected, and become swollen. This is a painful condition called ‘pericoronitis’.
  • They cause decay on the second molar tooth in front.
  • Teeth in front become crowded.
  • They can develop into cysts causing damage to the neighbouring tooth.
Your dentist may recommend removal of wisdom teeth as part of treatment for braces or other dental treatment. Wisdom teeth may also need to be removed surgically by the dentist when there is evidence of the following symptoms:
  • Wisdom tooth infection
  • Erosion Cavity
  • Crowding
  • Cysts

How Will My Wisdom Tooth Be Taken Out?

Your dentist will do a thorough clinical examination to determine if your wisdom tooth requires a surgery to remove.

An x-ray will be taken to check the position of the wisdom tooth.

The surgery will be performed under local anaesthesia. Intravenous sedation administered by a qualified anaesthetist can be arranged, if required.

After the wisdom tooth has been removed, the area will be stitched together. Antibiotics and painkillers will be prescribed.

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Before the Wisdom Tooth Surgery

Do inform the dentist if you have any medical condition or allergies.

Do arrange for a few days of medical leave.

Wisdom tooth extractions

After the Wisdom Tooth Surgery

Continue biting with firm pressure on the gauze for another one to two hours; change the gauze when it becomes soaked with blood.

Do not rinse your mouth, consume hot drinks or eat hot food after the surgery.

Following the use of local anaesthesia during the surgery, your lips, tongue or cheeks may remain numb for 3 to 4 hours, during which time they may be injured by you accidentally biting on them.

You may have swelling or bruising on your face where the surgery was performed. The swelling will disappear in a few days’ time.

If you are a smoker, please refrain from smoking after the surgery.

Do not engage in strenuous activities for at least four to five days after the surgery.

Consume soft food for the next two to three days; rinse your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash or warm salt water after every meal.

Wisdom tooth infection
Wisdom tooth infection
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If bleeding re-commences:

Rinse your mouth once with cold water, then fold a piece of gauze (or a cotton handkerchief) into a tight pad and place directly over bleeding point. Apply firm steady pressure on pad by biting on it for 30 minutes.

Repeat this procedure twice if bleeding persists. If this fails, return to the clinic for professional assistance.

Take the medication as prescribed. If rashes develop, stop taking the medication and contact the clinic immediately.

Brush your teeth as per normal but take care not to brush too hard near the wound area.

In the event of an emergency (e.g. non-stop and excessive bleeding, high fever), please call the clinic immediately. If the clinic cannot be reached, please seek emergency treatment at the Accident & Emergency Department at any hospitals as soon as possible.

Please remember to visit the dentist in about a week's time to get the sutures removed.