Maintain Facial Structure
Your dentist will carry out a detailed assessment with the aid of study models and x-rays to determine if it is feasible for dental implants to be placed. There must be adequate bone to surround an implant. Should there be a deficiency due to previous bone loss, the dentist will discuss with you the different methods of bone augmentation.

Smile Naturally
The colour, shape and contour of the replacement tooth supported by implant can be made to match your other teeth.

Eat and Speak Normally
Missing teeth have negative effects on how you eat and speak. With replacement teeth supported by implants, you will be able to eat and speak normally again.

Fit Comfortably
Dental implants are usually more stable, comfortable and longer-lasting than other restorations (such as dentures) because they are fixed to your jaw bone. Also, dental implants are made of biocompatible materials which are proven to be durable.