Q and M | Treatment | dental implant | success rate for dental implant | teeth replacement
success rate for dental implant

Step 01

Pre-Treatment Evaluation and Treatment

Your dentist will carry out a detailed assessment with the aid of study models and x-rays to
determine if it is feasible for dental implants to be placed. There must be adequate bone to
surround an implant. Should there be a deficiency due to previous bone loss, the dentist
will discuss with you the different methods of bone augmentation.

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Step 02

Implant Placement

This treatment basically involves making a small incision in the gums to expose the
underlying jaw bone so that the dentist can prepare the chosen site for implant
placement. During this process, you will feel some vibration, similar to that of having
a tooth filled. This procedure is carried out under local anaesthesia. However, if you
require sedation, please discuss with your dentist.

The bone around the implant heals in a process called “osseointegration”. The
implant is considered stable when the bone grows around it and holds it in place.
This healing process usually takes a few weeks to a few months, depending on your
oral and overall health conditions.

success rate for dental implantdental implantteeth replacement

Step 03

Placement of Implant-Supported Crown,
Bridge or Denture

By this time, the implants would have integrated with your bone and the dentist will
proceed with the fabrication of replacement teeth. An abutment connects the new tooth or
teeth to the implant. The dentist will customize a new tooth for you, called a crown, for a
single tooth implant. For replacement of more than a single tooth, custom-made bridges or
implant-supported dentures will be made. This process may take a few visits. You should be
able to function immediately after these replacement teeth have been fixed in your mouth.

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