“Fighting Covid-19, Together we can!”
2020 was an unprecedented year, in view of the Covid-19 outbreak, Q & M Dental Group donated cartons of surgical masks and hand sanitisers to different organisations across the island. These include schools, nursing homes and free medical centres.
At the start of the pandemic, many centres had difficulty obtaining face masks for healthcare nurses and residents due to the shortage in supply. Q&M played our part in supporting those in need and aim to continue doing so.
These organizations include:
- Home Nursing Foundation
- Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home
- Lions Home for the Elders
- Kreta Ayer Seniors Activity Centre
- Kwan In Welfare Society
- Nam Hong Siang Theon Free Medical Centre
- Public Free Clinic Society
- Raffles Institution
- River Valley High School
- Sian Chay Medical Institution
- Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic
- Singapore Buddhist Lodge
- Singapore Children Society
- Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Institution
- Society for the Aged Sick
- St Theresa's Home
- Thong Chai Medical Institution
- Tzu Chi Singapore

If you are interested to partner with Q & M for CSR initiatives, please contact Lloyd at 9385 5702 or email him at lloydchan@qnm.sg.