What is a dental x-ray?
Dental x-rays are important diagnostic tools that provide your dentist with a complete and comprehensive view of your oral cavity that otherwise is not visible to the naked eyes.

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Why do I need dental x-rays?
If you are a new patient, dental x-rays may be requested by your dentist to determine your baseline oral health. It serves as a record to track and monitor progress and/or changes that may occur later. Specific x-rays may be taken for record keeping purpose before and after a certain treatment is done.

Your dentist may ask for dental x-rays to be taken to help him identify and/or diagnose:
  • number, size and position of the teeth, for e.g., buried or impacted teeth
  • tooth caries or decay
  • bone loss caused by gum disease
  • infection of tooth or under your gum
  • jaw fractures
  • problems of occlusion
  • other teeth and bone abnormalities, for e.g., tumours
In children, dental x-rays allow the dentist to see how their teeth and jaw bones are developing. If developmental problems are detected, early intervention can be quickly initiated.
Are dental x-rays safe?
In our daily lives, we are always exposed to small amounts of radiation from the sun, soil, air and water. This is known as the background radiation. The amount of radiation used to obtain dental x-rays is very small relative to background radiation.

Furthermore, protection measures such as placing a leaded apron on your body and a thyroid shield around your neck minimise the amount of radiation exposure.

Dental X-rays are usually avoided during pregnancy. If it is absolutely necessary, the use of leaded apron and thyroid shield will offer protection against radiation exposure for the mother and foetus. It is safe for breastfeeding mothers and women trying to get pregnant to take dental x-rays.

X-ray equipment in our clinics undergo routine checks and require an annual licence issued by the National Environment Agency to ensure that it is safe for usage.

Types of dental x-rays
Generally, there are two main categories – intraoral and extraoral.
Periapical and Bitewings
Small sized x-rays capturing the images of a few teeth. They are used to assess the crowns and roots of teeth, and the health of the bone surrounding the roots of the teeth.
OPG Before AI guided detection
OPG After AI guided detection
EXTRAORAL X-RAYS Orthopantomogram (also known as OPG)
It is a jaw sized x-ray that shows all of the teeth, the bones that form the upper and lower jaws, the joints connecting your jaw bone to your skull, and the maxillary sinuses (a hollow space in the bones around the nose).

All of our clinics are equipped with an AI-guided solution that could scan the OPG and detect abnormalities in approximately 5 seconds. It assists our dentists in prompt detection and diagnosis of your oral conditions.
A type of dental x-ray that shows the entire head from a lateral or anterior view. It is commonly used in orthodontic (braces) treatment planning to see the relationship between the teeth and the jaws.
Cone-beam computed tomography (also known as CBCT)
CBCT equipment rotate around the patient’s head capturing data resulting in a 3D view of the teeth, the jaws and the skull bones. It provides accurate information on amount of bone available for dental implants, position of impacted teeth, location and extension of pathologies within the bones

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