Q & M Dentists and Staff Volunteer to Swab Foreign Workers
During ‘Circuit Breaker’ in 2020, more than 150 volunteers comprising of dentists (swabbers) and clinic assistants (swab assistants) from Q & M have volunteered to help the nation in its fight against Covid-19.
Working in multiple teams, they have been deployed to various factory converted dormitories and government quarantine facilities working together with staff from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Manpower and the Singapore Armed Forces.
The team had collectively swabbed more than 14,000 foreign workers over more than 1,600 working hours. They worked daily even during weekends and on public holidays. In response to the national call for expansion of mass testing to include the vulnerable groups and subsequently the wider community, we hope to be able to do our part in a concerted national effort to swab our way out of circuit breaker, and eventually Covid-19 pandemic.